Dave Mayo
Certified Personal Fitness Trainer
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Daytona Bch, FL
BS in Applied Experimental Psychology/Human Factors and Ergonomics
- Developed speed and agility programs for athletes in football, tennis, wrestling, lacrosse, and basketball since 2000
- Developed resistance training and conditioning programs for athletes in all sports since 1996
- Developed programs for people to feel and look better since 1996
Quotes and Thoughts:
- Strength is only part of the equation. You can have the strongest legs in the world, but if you are not applying force to the ground properly you are driving a car with a big engine and no wheels.
- Once a goal is in sight, you should be looking past it to the next one.
- Train smart to perfect your body, train hard to perfect your mind.
Click here for a printer friendly version of Dave's Bio.