Please click on the form you would like to display a printer friendly version of the form.
1. New Client Packet- PERSONAL TRAINING
2. New Client Packet- YOGA
3. Food History Questionnaire
4. Daily Food Journal
5. Policies & Agreement Form
6. Informed Consent Form
7. Medical Clearance Form
8. Medical Information Release Authorization
9. Getting Started Form
10. R.P.E. SCALE
11. Exercise Flow Chart
12. Client Portfolio
13. Fitness Assessment Form
You will need "Adobe Acrobat Reader" to view these forms correctly. Please click on the "Get Adobe Reader" button to download this free program.

Elite Health & Fitness Training, Inc.  Phone: 856.216.0044  Fax: 856.216.9544
3 Rhode Island Avenue, Cherry Hill NJ 08002